Electric scooters are rapidly turning into the most widely used form of alternative transportation. You're flexible, green, and it's not expensive at all to own one. Statistics are little to not surprising at all because of this, atleast 17 verified European countries have got these electric scooters as 'normal traffic' daily. Cities such as Brussels, Barcelona, and Paris are filled with these little whizzing wonders, mostly thanks to companies that are renting them out. American Mobility-supplier 'Bird' for example, is active in more than 100 cities across North America and the EU combined. The electric scooter is mainly popular among adults from other countries, but what about The Netherlands?
The electric scooter is becoming more and more visible within The Netherlands as well. People returning from holiday have usually experienced and/or tried one of those products there and proceed to look into buying one upon return to their home-country. This rising popularity coupled with the fact that there still aren't any clear rules and regulations concerning e-scooters is the hot topic of discussion in media right now, and one of the leading causes of confusion for consumers.
Rules & Regulations
The accident involving electric 'Bolderkar Stint' that went down September 2018 has been the number one reason that the rules and regulations concerning electrical mobility in the Netherlands is still somewhat, lacking.. Until recently though, since discussions are picking back up and we're positive that near the end of this year/beginning of next year there will be more clarity, and hopefully, legalization. Since multiple rental-companies are working on setting up a program in Rotterdam, our expectation is that the legalization and regulation of these electric scooters won't take long anymore, especially concerning the fact that electric scooters have got a very positive influence when it comes to durability, emission, and overcrowding in cities.
Not legal, but 'accepted'
So officially it's forbidden to actually use your electric scooter on public roads in the Netherlands. In practice however we usually note a form of acceptance depending on driver behaviour. As long as you obey the rules that are set, and don't get involved in a hit 'n run, the chances of getting a fine or any other trouble with the police are slim to none. Even traffic-judge 'Bert Kabel' supports this theory, stating to Editie NL: 'In practice you won't see someone getting fined quickly, i've never had a case like that, it's relatively new and the rules are yet unclear.' Even the police recently reached out and let us know they're aware of the rising number of e-scooters, but that regulating and checking-up-on isn't their main priority.
What can you use an Electrical Scooter for?
The electric scooter can be useful toward many ends such as (inter) city transportation, last mile, holidays, and more.
Cities are getting busier. Mainly looking at the amount of automobiles and complimentary traffic jams. Are you living in the city and are traveling short distances multiple times a week? With the electric scooter you will, like a cyclist, easily pass through traffic. One of the main advantages of an e-scooter compared to regular bikes is the fact that it's so easy to fold and take with.
Last mile
A lot of honest hard-working dutchies use public transport to get to work. With this the first and last pieces of the journey are usually considered the most annoying, not anymore! The electric scooter is perfectly suited to handle the 'last mile', being easily foldable you can take it with you on the train or bus. Most are relatively light and compact and thus, for example, easily stored underneath your desk.
The electric scooters are perfect for multiple forms of holiday aswell. The e-scooter is compact enough to fit in (the trunk of) your car. Having arrived at your destination you'll find that owning one of these bad boys opens up a lot of new possibilities. For example: it's ideal to explore cities with, and you can easily move to-and from your place of stay.
Outside the city
Even outside of the city these e-scooters are ideal. Some quick groceries downtown, a trip to school or the gym are all done without having to exert much of any effort.
For who are these electric scooters suitable?
The beauty of these products is the fact that they're perfectly suited for people of any age. They are so easy to learn and control that even consumers with some years behind them will experience pleasure that's bound to bring back many wonderful memories.
The constant cries for a cleaner, better world continue to echo loudly, and durability and a severe decrease in emissions are still a topic that's increasing in importance for many a person. Are you someone who's paying attention to this and trying to make the right decisions? The electric scooter might be a blessing for you! 100% electric as they are, there are no CO2 emissions whatsoever being excreted in the air, making our products as green as can be.
Purchasing advice
With purchasing an electric scooter it's important to look at the technical specifications. The five most important bits according to us are: battery range, power, portability, quality of build, tyre type.
Battery range
The battery range is the most important specification of the electric scooter because this means how far you can drive on a full charged battery. The battery is also one of the most expensive parts of the scooter and that is why it's important to decide for yourself how far you'd like to drive on a full charge. If you need to drive 30 kilometers every day then it is recommended to choose a scooter with a battery range of at least 40 kilometers, this ensures that you will reach your destination.
The power is also one of the most important specifications of the electric scooter. The bigger the engine's power, the faster you go. This allows you to move easily through the traffic. Nothing is more annoying than having to pull away slowly from the traffic light or not being able to pass by a cyclist. Within Europe the electric scooters are limited to a maximum speed of 25 km/h. Our advice is to take this under consideration before making your purchase.
We've mentioned before how electric scooters being foldable can mean loads of advantages for most people. The scooters are easy to take with you in the train, your car or home. The portability of a scooter will be a 'must' for most consumers.
Quality of build
Purchasing an electric scooter is quite the investment for most, so it's good to know whether or not your scooter will last you through the years. The building quality naturally influences this. Our advice is to go with Segway or Xiaomi, both are top-contending heavyweights on the global market, and widely used by scooter-rental companies aswell as being sold for personal use.
We're noticing divided opinions when it comes to the set of tyres used on e-scooters. Both solid and air-filled tyres provide the user with a completely different driving experience, so it's never a bad idea to try them out in advance! As both of them have their pros and cons further described below
Air-filled tyres
Pro: Absorbs vibrations while driving perfectly
Con: Can get a flat if punctured / pressure not properly maintained
Solid tyres
Pro: Can't get a flat
Con: Doesn't absorb vibrations as well
In the end it's quite a personal choice between both kinds of tyres, and it's always recommended to visit us for a free test drive and make up your own mind.
Our favorites
The best electric scooters currently in production, are those of Segway-Ninebot and Xiaomi. Both brands offering their own perfect options, depending on what ur planning to use the scooter for. Is a comfortable ride what you're looking for? The air-filled tyres of the Xiaomi M365 and Xiaomi M365 Pro are made to deliver exactly that. Is the battery range important or do you want to negate any possible chance of a flat in the future? Then the Segway-Ninebot Kickscooter ES2 and Segway-Ninebot ES4 are your best options by far.
October 2019 Segway-Ninebot introduced the new model called Segway-Ninebot MAX G30. This model combines the pro's of the Xiaomi and Segway-Ninebot scooter. All con's of the scooters are also solved and that is why the Segway MAX G30 is seen as the best scooter of the moment. Because of this reason our favorite electric scooter is the Segway-Ninebot Kickscooter Max G30.