Electric scooter locks

Electric scooter locks

With a good lock you ensure that your electric scooter is safe when you put it away. In this overview you will find locks for e-scooters.

  1. Abus 1190 Xplus Chain Lock
    Abus 1190 Xplus Chain Lock
    Regular price
    Sale price
  2. Abus Granit Detecto Xplus 8077 Brake Disc Lock
    Abus Granit Detecto Xplus 8077 Brake Disc Lock
    Regular price
  3. Abus Granit Sledg 77 Grip Brake Disc Lock
    Abus Granit Sledg 77 Grip Brake Disc Lock
    Regular price
  4. Abus Granit Super Extreme 2500/165HB230 U-Lock
    Abus Granit Super Extreme 2500/165HB230 U-Lock
    Regular price